How to Become a More Effective Instructor

You have likely heard “those who can, do; those who can’t, teach.” This 119-year-old phrase has survived the test of time to become a consistent irritation to teachers far and wide. However, it is an outdated saying, that could not be further from the truth in 2022. 

It is often difficult to make the transition from the field to the classroom. As a matter of fact, nearly two-thirds of newly hired career and technical education instructors leave teaching within three-years of being hired. For many, the main reason for leaving their teaching positions was they felt a lack of support from the program and its administration. Other key reasons include the realization that instructors need to have a deeper understanding of the physics and theories behind the concepts being taught.  To alleviate these issues, it is essential that instructors develop a strong relationship with their school administration, and seek the support needed to help ensure success.

 Here are some discussion topics for you to consider when approaching your school administration. 

·        Mentoring: Ask your administration for permission to work with a seasoned instructor. During this time frame, you will gain insight into developing effective lesson plans, learn about various teaching techniques, learn how to evaluate students, develop time management skills, master presentation skills, and learn how to incorporate teaching aides into your instruction.

·        Professional Development: As a teacher, the professional development you seek should be geared towards HVACR instructors. Although training geared towards general education topics is important, HVACR-specific training enables you to learn about emerging technologies, regulatory changes, teaching techniques, and interact with other instructors who can share their experiences and success stories. The HVAC Excellence National HVACR Education Conference provides the opportunity to accomplish all of this and much more.

·       Credentialing: While you may hold various industry certifications, they were likely at the student or technician level. As an instructor, you need to have a deeper understanding of the physics and theories than someone in the field. Encourage your administrators to support your efforts to become a more well-rounded instructor, by ensuring that the exams you take as an educator are specifically created for HVACR instructors. These educator credentialing exams help you validate the depth of your knowledge, while identifying areas where you may need additional professional development.

With the right training and support, you can become a highly effective instructor that prepares others for success. Just as our children need nurturing to become productive members of our family and society, instructors need to be nurtured to help ensure that they become productive members of the teaching staff. As a well-prepared, well-trained and highly motivated instructor, you will be well-equipped and well-prepared to nurture your students, helping to create a stronger HVACR workforce.

“If you want to master something, you must first teach it!” Nobel Laurette, Richard Feynman

For more information on how HVAC Excellence can help you become a more effective instructor, visit



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